Dear Linear Scholar,
First time here? If so, first thing you need to know is that we been bumped up
at a
pause point for more than a couple of years now, wwwaiting for
the Law to change and the next thing you need to knowww
is that Big Bong Reality
has been Updated Monthly for *at least* the One Hundred and Sixty Third time since September 1995.
(13 and a bit web years old, as for how many actual
"Realty Updates" written in more than a decade and uploaded 'in between' the *at
least*163 monthlies? Dunno, except that
its way way more than 420, this is FER SURE the most often overwwwriten webpage in my
Historically speaking, this
reality update feature was one of the main clauses written into the
2 year contract I signed in September 1995 (with I.R.C.S.A) for the
first BigBong
website Clause = Author (that's me) to supply a reality update
every 2 weeks for duration of contract (2 years) - which I did, they
figured (rightly) that without me to write fresh words, the Big Bong web
site wouldn't be a 'proper" website. In September of 97 when the contract was
finished and I.R.C.S.A decided to step aside, I kept the website with it's reality update
going and have never missed upgrading this page, which, I suppose makes this one of the
longest running blogs on the web, of course, I write way way way more words per
month than what you can see in here - most of the heavy duty blogging I do/have
done is viewable at the
teXt-files, I digress - mostly to illustrate the continuity nightmare that blogging can create when a 'first timer' hits a
blog and all the
information on display requires prior knowledge.....
METAphorically the Big Bong web
construct can be likened to a solar powered space craft, each sail
is made of <html> shaped in such a way so as to powwwer the web
construct through cyber space, kinda like a sailing ship through the ocean. Since powering up the webcam can be likened to firing
up the 'prime thruster' of a rocket ship and since the BBt-PPP Cyber Capsule
was designed to only light up the prime thrusters at the start of
construction and since there are so many sails powwwering the BBt-PPP, it has
made sense to let the 'good ole' BBt-PPP Cyber Capsule voyage blurbingly
along its eccentric tangent towards materialization at a future point in
space and time whilst I went else web to construct other smaller, more
maneuverable constructs powwwered almost entirely by web cam imagery,
portals originally designed as tug boats for the BBt-PPP which were
designed to morph into 'retro rockets' with the passing of time.
Thus, you know some of the wwwhy why this page morphed into an elseweb portal page
over the last few trips round the sun, a book markable sign post page that is
never more than a "mouse click" away from wwwhere-ever the wwwords are being
wwwoven in the now.
is, that I never set out to become a Big Bong builder or a Cannabis Law Reform Activist, I set
out to become a writer and as you can imagine dear linear scholar, after
such a long time of not being able to manifest all of the myriad
requirements that obstacle me in reality you would think I would be some
what discouraged, not so, I mean, I knew from the instant that I had
the idea, that
actually building Bongzilla (my nick name for the Big Bong Peace Pipe)
was going to be somewhere the other side of highly impossible.
Thing is, I am not
discouraged, because no matter how impossible building a 420 foot high
Big Bong Peace Pipe might look in March of 2009, it is definitely and significantly
less impossible now than it was when I first had
the idea on the 29th of June 1994, not to mention the
fact that the writer/artist in me has had plenty of outlet weaving
what amounts to an entire sector of cyber space, which is why, when
all is said and done, I am not discouraged by Bongzilla
being bumped up at
this pause point, not when there is so much happening
in the real world of my highly subjective reality ;O)--~
Well over a decade online... this time fourteen years
ago I had a box of pens and 2 notebooks full of poems and ideas, I didn't
own or really know how to use a computer and/or how to write a book. 13
years ago I
had finished one finger typing up the manuscript that ultimately became
the novel that this entire webspace is constructed "upon" on a 386 with 4 MB
of RAM and was actively engaged in the promotion of the novel. 12 years
ago the BiG BonG TheorY was selling in book stores all over Sydney
and Internet was a word I had heard on television whilst 'back packing' in the U.S.A (91-94),
of course, I had been reading about global computer networks in science fiction novels since I learnt how
to read, but 'reading about' and 'writing with-in' are entirely different things,
which loopingly brings me to the main point of this word assembly, the "weblog"
component of this March 2009 Reality Update.
Another calendar year done and still no
start on a BiG BonG movie set and/or BiG BonG BurgeR BaR, but, and it's a
BIG But,
2009 is looking like THE year it all starts. Never have I felt so much
optimism for a coming new year. This year, millions of acres of hemp are to be
planted all over Australia and all of it will produce seed as well as fibre.
I cannot stress enough how important my hands on experience working in the
H*E*M*P*Bar has been over the
last 8 years, it was the ideal preparation / training for running a BiG BonG
BurgeR BaR.
As I said above, I up date this page on
the first of the month and over write it during the month if something is
actually happening. The thing that I want to expand on, is the FaceBook
and other social networks that I have been 'wwworking on and in'
component. I realize that if face book had been in existence in 1995 I
would never have needed to learn how to make web sites.
Oh yeah,
there is some "breaking/broken" news about the
Big Bong Mobile, alas, it never made it
back up to head quarters after the
MardiGrass, it was simply too rusted out after having 'pot' growing in
it for a couple of years, rusted out the firewall and she was starting to
sag in the middle, I ripped the "Bong" off the roof
and saved the hood, the rest went to the crusher, the Bong is now sitting
on the roof of the Nimbin HEMP Embassy toilet, LOL, I have heard the
street dealers are giving guided tours 'to see the Big Bong'', since
the street camera became so prevalent in Nimbin, one of the the few camera
free 'dealing spots' is to be found at the end of the alley between the
pub and the Embassy and the end of the alley is the only place - besides
the 'back' verandas of the pub and Embassy - that you can see the 'Big

I am hoping that I can assemble a new
BigBongMobile built in time for the 2009
MardiGrass and
Marijuana March. As I found out
last year, it's
only possible to get permission for a road worthy and registered vehicle
to stand on the street during 'the grass", and so, having run out of stuff to talk about and link
to for this 'third' month of oo9, the only
thing left to tell you at this point in cyber space and time dear linear
scholar is
that you can find me most days of the week working in the
H*E*M*P*Party Bar... maybe you
can find me in the drugsense
Chat Room or on the Pot
[r]evolution Bill Boards.
till next
P.S. the sound you "might be
hearing" is a snippet from
The Man in the Dark Sedan by Snakefinger and the Residents.
P.S.S The
video images of the BigBongMobile @ Mardigrass are in the BIG-MOVIES
Sector at BigBong.org
Did you
hear about the arrest for the
cultivation of the Cannabis Plants that were to have been the focus of the 2001 webshow.