Initial Concept Exposure.
The Peace Pipe Project.
Welcome to the Strategic
Campaign to attract the attention of the entire Cyber Space Colony on the
planet Earth and direct it to a single point in future space and time, to
the lighting of the most Audacious Statue yet conceived, to the first
purpose built Symbol to World Peace.
No matter how you have found your way to these words, you are welcome to
participate in this project as it evolves and expands into
mass consciousness.
It cannot be over emphasized that whilst the original intention was to
a comedy novel with the world, all the research carried out (and all input)
to date, confirms that the Peace Pipe will become one of the biggest
attractions for the members of Generation X in the free world once it is
As it is being Built and when it is Built, when it is used for the first
time and every time it is used for a long, long time after it is built,
There is no quick way to fully explain the Peace Pipe Project in a
sentence or sound bite, nor even a paragraph, however, the following
information should dispel any doubts as to the viability of this project,
allow me to illustrate the complexity of the individual facets of this
cleverly orchestrated structure of blatant commercial manipulation.
The Novel.
We start here because this is pretty much where the whole dream
It tells the story of a poet who wrote a book about a statue that he wanted
to build, it tells the story of "A path he might take to realize this
dream." The Novel was written in such a way so as to be the basis for a
movie about the construction of a movie set, it's also the basis for this
web site and it's International Standard Book Number (I.S.D.N.# 0 646 24215
6) gives this Web Construct / Concept a copyright anchor in reality. It has
an extrapolating global audience and it appeals to a far larger cross
section of humanity than I ever thought possible. Smokers and non smokers
alike laugh along with it, read it and see for your self, good is the worst
anyone has called it. (so far that is ;o)
The latest version
(e-version) is designed to be printed and shared with the un webbed
point is that it is a work of ART and must be dealt with in that context.
There is no "Government" in the world that can remove it from circulation,
in any of it's forms, the two print runs, (copies smuggled into over 35
countries) the on line version or the copies that you may download and
distribute. Nor can "They" remove it from the minds and memories of all of
the many people who have read it in any of it's various guises. The
response to the novel alone has more than justified the making of a
The Movie.
There are two "Movie" productions actually.
The first is a real time /
live to the WWW series of time lapse style images. Where we will be
what I call The Dealy Plaza Effect. I discovered this
phenomenon in Dallas, Texas. The D.P.E is a subliminally induced Deja Vu
sensation creation. (Presque Vu) If you go find the place where Lee Harvey
set the mail order - bolt
action - rapid fire rifle record in '63. It's just city streets, kind of
city looking, then when, and only when, you stand in the exact spot where
Zapruder took aim from. "Zeitgeist." The vividness of the image in
the foreground has indelibly imprinted the background of that exact scene
your mind, you're just a dead President away from the first time your
intellect was there. Probably a more real experience memory than
your ninth birthday party. It is this effect I hope to capture with the
eventual link up between Cyberspace and reality, the Peace Pipe will slowly
evolve before your eyes, the Background imprinting itself with repetition,
so that when you make the "Pilgrimage to Smoke the Pipe of Peace" and you
stand on "DAT" spot, on the hill that over looks the Peace Zone, (hence
forth known as Mount Zapruder,) the view should be
Deja Vu?
The second is the actual "Hollywood style" movie based on the novel and
will be shot at regular intervals during the construction phase. This movie
is still in pre-production, auditioning / casting is limited to, but open
"equally" to all, registered Big Bong Believers. As with the novel, all of
these projects are Art and have to be dealt with in that context.
Both of these "Movies" require the actual construction
of a "Statue of a Symbol to World Peace."
The Statue.
The Statue is a 240 foot, 80 Metre tall STEEL Cylinder, the
equivalent of a twenty floor building!! The entire inside of the Big Bong
will evolve into the "Marijuana Hall of Fame" and the largest Pot Art
Gallery on Earth. There are no stairs, rather ascending and descending
spiral ramps that you will be able to walk along and groove on the Art as
you breathe the air of green freedom.( for more details see Chapter 8 of
novel.) The experience will be just what you imagine it to be and/or what
you remember it to be. I gotta admit that the certain knowledge that I will
be inside it when it is lit for the first time is one of the things that
drives me forward, but then I'm one of the lucky one's, I've confirmed my
The Statue is simultaneously a Symbol to World Peace, a Pop Art Icon, a
Tourist Attraction, a Concert Venue, a Movie Set, a Commercial Hemp
Incinerator and an Internet Content Provider. It is the most audacious
statue yet envisaged and possibly the most exciting peace initiative
under way anywhere on earth.
The support network that will be required for all of the various facets of
the construction of the statue and concert sound stage will result in the
surrounding area evolving into a theme park / peace zone.
The Theme Park / Peace Zone.
The immediate area surrounding the Big Bong will be an internationally
declared World Peace Zone and Hemp Theme Park, open to all the citizens of
the world regardless of their smoking convictions. Theoretically the Big
Bong should be able fast track along the path already trod by Walt Disney,
Walt started with a cartoon of a mouse, I started with a book about a Bong.
Walt built a magic kingdom in Reality based on a fictional world of his own
unique creation and vision, I want to create a magic kingdom in Reality
based on a work of fiction, a Cannabis-based society. And yeah I know I'm
talking about Utopia, but so was Walt.
In his reality it took an awful long time to convince enough people that
there was any point to build Disneyland in the first place, for some
reason nobody believed that any one would come to visit a fairy tale castle
built for a cartoon mouse...Ummm, surely compared to Walt's concept, the
Bong would seem to be a no brainer as far as attracting an audience goes?
The amount of enthusiasm for this project amongst "just" the back packer
culture is awesome, they would all love to help build the symbol as part of
their Australian experience, the fact that their friends and family back
home will be able to see them "On the Internet" is perceived as Too Cool.
The first phase of construction is the excavation of the foundation. In
other words the digging of a very, very, very big hole. The excavation will
be carried out by the cast and crew on a work for BOINGS basis. The
BOING-combination of the words BONG and BIG- is the official "Mickey
Mouse Currency" of the Peace Zone, full details in novel. Boings will be
exchangeable for food and shelter.
Once all the infrastructure is in place then the lighting ceremony / finale
scene can take place, it is designed to be the biggest party / concert ever
held, where ever and when ever it's held.
The Concert.
Think "Wood Stock" and then add constructing, then lighting a Gigantic
Bong to the mental image, need I say more? I'm sure I don't have to point
out the obvious fact that more people will want to turn up at the concert
than can possibly turn up.
Entry will only be possible if you are wearing a
Genuine Big Bong Hemp Tee.
If you are unable to be there in person you will be able to hear and see
concert live on the WWW, you may even want to coordinate your own Peace
Party for your un webbed network of friends in your arbitrary geographical
Web Construct.
This is the glittering jewel of the concept, every day our Cyber Pulse
gets stronger as more and more Cyber Citizens hear of the existence of a
concept that is totally original in it's content and more
importantly, totally original in it's intent.
The inherent dynamics of the world wide web means that Cyber Citizens all
around the globe will be able to participate in this Green Revolution from
the vantage point of their own reality.
The only possible conclusion is that the Big Bong - Peace Pipe Project is
unstoppable multi faceted Cyber entity. It is global in it's scope and
universal in it's appeal.
By the time you figure in all of the time and research invested into this
concept, the cyber pulse / activity rate, Cyber search engine profiles and
webzine reviews, the growing direct email list, add in the reality
raised by all of the various reality newspapers articles, magazine stories,
radio interviews, hand outs and Flyers, not to mention word of mouth
advertising and the underground popularity of the novel, then how ever you
look at it this dream is surprisingly real.
This concept has assembled the core element of a global underground cult
following, both on line and off, all of whom are looking forward to being
able to smoke the pipe of peace with all of the other world leaders who are
cool enough to have an invitation to the biggest celebration planned for
end of the Millennium. There are already thousands of global activists
downloading and strategically distributing these words as you are reading
Now that you have a working knowledge this concept, it's time for you go
visit some other sections of this interactive webzine. The basic idea is to
utilize the desktop publishing ability of your cyber sled and share the Big
Bong Theory with the webbed and un webbed worlds.
Other internal links worth a visit;
Reality Updates "Latest News from Cyber
Support BBT "Join the Conspiracy."
How Can I Help "The Coke Joke."
Graffiti Wall "Free Marijuana"
The legal status of Cannabis in "Any Arbitrary Reality" is totally
IRRELEVANT to the success of this global project.
It is the Symbol, not the Substance.
The finished statue could burn any globally recognized peace herb.
These words assembled during 1997 by Gary John Gray for
the www domain of