webgreetings and welcome to the 2005 BigBongMobile IMAGE BANK. The images that you are about to see - push refresh if they all don't come down and yeah, I could make thumb nails and a gallery but, as you prolly worked out by now, I am a bit old fashioned when it comes to laying out a webpage because, when all is said and done, you are more likely to read these words while the pics are downloading than you are after the pics have arrived- I digress- The cannabis that you can see below is the third generation to be grown in the BigBongMobile POTplantPOT and all are direct descendants of the first and second generations. technically, the mobile is a very difficult POT to grow in, as you can see, not impossible, just difficult. There is "maybe" 8.40 litres of soil jammed inside the Plenum Chamber, rainforest soil enriched with worms and watered with creek and rain water. As well as a small amount of dirt, the mobile sits in a low light source most of the time, getting direct sunlight only at 4.20 PM, even so, the end result is most photogenic, especially the Single Plant Bud that is the centerpiece of the microclimate. You will be able to see the Big Bong Mobile the Nimbin Mardigrass and more images will - of course - be added to this page as more POT Art is applied ;O)--~. |
You will be able to see the Big Bong Mobile the Nimbin Mardigrass and more images will - of course - be added to this page as more POT Art is applied, BTW, if you are wondering what the MAD MAX looking Black Pipe attached to the front of the mobile is for, relax, it is simply a framework for a tarp to protect the plants during transportation and to enable the mobile to be "unveiled" AFTER arrival out side the ;O)--~ How the Mobile looked like before we started, the pattern on the hood was made by snails eating the mould that grew during winter. |
You will be able to see the Big Bong Mobile the Nimbin Mardigrass as an entrant in the 2005 MardiGrass POT Art exhibition ;O)--~. |