BIGBONG dot org / ;O)--~

webgreetings and welcome to the main portal to Big Bong Cyber Space, this rather primitive looking web site is rather primitive looking for reasons that I shall now expand upon.... Since multi platform and browser compatibility is always going to be an impossibility, Big Bong dot org webspace is built to look equally primitive - no matter when your personal computer was built, what size monitor you have, how fast your connection speed is or wwwhat operating system you use, be it apple, linux, windows or even a mobile phone - Point being, that there are heaps of images and lots of words inside each of the sub sectors cached below, each one opens "like a proper web site site' inside it's own window and is reflective of the year in which it was launched-  tho, apple and linux are not quite as compatible as windows is for most of the sub sectors below, due to the fact that most all of the platforms used 'over the years' to assemble these webspaces have been on broken windows .... .


[Read this first] READ-ME-FIRST.txt  READ-THIS-FIRST please read this first.
[Big-Bong-theory] Big-Bong-theory/ September 1995 the original website
[BigBongPeacePipe] BigBongPeacePipe/ September 1997 the 1st webzone woven by ;O)--~
[the REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG PeacePipeProject webspace] PeacePipeProject/ January       1999 the BIG BONG Peace Pipe Project
[peacepipe 1999] peacepipe1999/  January       1999 the 1999 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2000] peacepipe2000/  January       2000 the 2000 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2001] peacepipe2001/ January       2001 the 2001 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2002] peacepipe2002/ January       2002 the 2002 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2003] peacepipe2003/ January       2003 the 2003 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2004] peacepipe2004/  January       2004 the 2004 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2005] peacepipe2005/  January       2005 the 2005 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2006] peacepipe2006/ January       2006 the 2006 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2007] peacepipe2007/ January       2007 the 2007 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2008] peacepipe2008/  January       2008 the 2008 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2009] peacepipe2009/  January       2009 the 2009 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2010] peacepipe2010/  January       2010 the 2010 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2011] peacepipe2011/  January       2011 the 2011 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2012] peacepipe2012/  January       2012 the 2012 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2013] peacepipe2013/  January       2013 the 2013 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2014] peacepipe2014/  January       2014 the 2014 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2015] peacepipe2015/  January       2015 the 2015 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2016] peacepipe2016/  January       2016 the 2016 Cyber Trash Museum
[peacepipe 2017] peacepipe2017/  January       2016 the 2017 Theatre of the Nowww
[BigBongMobile] BigBongMobile/ February     2002 take a trip on the BigBong Mobile
[BigBongBurgerBar] BigBongBurgerBar/ March         2000 the Cannabis Catering Concept
[the teXt-file Blog archive] the-teXt-files/ Sometime 2000 the teXt-files are a blog of sorts
[Formula for world peace E=MC webbed] E=MC webbed/  Sometime 1997 Introduction to the formula for wwworld peace
[rebelart ;O)--~] rebelart/ September 1995 @ll webdesigned by rebelart ;O)--~
[]  November 2003 a link to THE web hosts